Beauty Teck Orthodontic Instruments 2018
Hammer Head Pliers Hammerhead plier specially designed for bending wire in the molar region. The two ends are nestled like tongue and groove around the wire so that the wire ends are slightly bent in any direction. Surgical, stainless steel with a matte surface. Heavy gauge side cutter Magnum Little force required for cutting through large size wires due to special design. We do not recommend using the front third of the cutters for cutting wires with the maximum indicated thickness! Second Order bending pliers Designed to put a Z Bend Root Tip Back Bend (with one easy squeeze) in the Archwire without removing the Archwire. Comes in straignt, Double Sided, Narrow and Wide) Step pliers Step plier is equipped with a double-sided offset beak for bayonet-style step bend • Creates right hand or left hand step-up or step-downs Rose torque bending plier set T.C Distal end cutter This is standard cutter easily cuts dist...